New Travel Section!

Forever Nomday is evolving! If you are a fan of the recipes don’t worry, they aren’t going anywhere, the site is just getting a bit of an upgrade. Coming soon, you will be able to check Forever Nomday for what to cook and where to eat! Our new travel tab will cover places we have been and love (and maybe an occasional warning on places we wanted to love but just couldn’t.) We just got back from Seattle and Vancouver and I’m excited to kick it off in a couple days with a dual-city post!
Why the change? A little bit because with age comes memory loss but mostly because I am constantly getting asked, “Hey, I just booked a trip to {insert city name here}, have you been? Great! Where would you recommend {staying/ eating/ getting a gooooood cup of coffee}? What started as scribbling recommendations on whatever scraps of paper I had on me at the time, turned into carrying around a dedicated travel journal and tracking down coffee shops between meals so I could brain dump everything onto paper. But there wasn’t enough time to keep track of everything (this became clear to me on our honeymoon when we were eating Japanese food every couple of hours and I only made it halfway through our trip when I gave up and just decided to enjoy the moments.)
Between scraps of paper and Google Docs, it was taking me awhile to compile a list every time someone asked for recommendations and frankly sometimes I would forget or push it off for too long because I knew I would want to go into detail on the best times to go, what the get, and what to avoid. Enough people suggested I just add it to the site, so here we are! Hopefully someone enjoys a delicious cup of coffee in a new city or avoids a long line for an overhyped donut and it’ll be all worth it. Be sure to comment and let me know if you visit a spot and enjoyed it – if you have recommendations of your own, I love to discover new hidden gems!
Everyday should be Nomday whether you are cooking in your kitchen or jet setting to a new city!
Nom on, fellow travelers!