Strawberry Ice Cream

KitchenAid Strawberry Ice Cream


2 quarts


overnight min


1 hr 30 min

Ice Cream Base

  • 2 ‏pasteurized eggs
  • 3/4 cup ‏sugar
  • 2 cups ‏heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup ‏whole milk


  • 2 1/2 cups ‏fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 1/3 cup ‏sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ‏lemon juice


  • You will need to freeze your mixing bowl for 12 hours, so start prepping this the night before! Need to make something faster? Try one of these. 
  • Raw eggs come with the risk of carrying bacteria, while this recipe calls for pasteurized eggs which are safe to use because they’ve been heated to 140°F, killing any harmful bacteria. Pasteurized whole eggs can be pretty difficult to find, so for a recipe like this I recommend getting a carton of ready to pour eggs (like these).

When I was little my mom let me plant some strawberries in our backyard, I watered them every day until next to the little white flowers grew little green strawberries and those turned into big juicy red strawberries. I had a crazy sweet tooth so my mom let me to have a spoon of sugar with them and I would dip the strawberries into the sugar, watching as the sugar started to turn pink from the juice. While I’m no stranger to sweets, as seen clearly on the rest of the blog, I don’t find myself these days craving pure white sugar, especially for my fruit. After my childhood, I never really saw that delicious pink sugar ever again.

Strawberry Ice Cream

Well…. up until now.

One of the gifts of getting married (pun intended) is the fact that someone you know might think, “hmm.. I feel like Heidi and Jimmy would like it if we got them an ice cream maker.” And you know what, that friend would be correct. While I’ll always give different ice cream flavors a fair shot, realistically it’s always going to come down to one of 3 flavors: cookies and cream, chocolate cookie dough, or strawberry. Growing up, we always had ice cream in the freezer, coffee for my parents, and strawberry for me, so it only seemed fitting that our first round of ice cream would be strawberry!

Strawberry Ice Cream

And that’s when it happened. Pulling the chilled strawberry mixture out of the fridge, I remembered that childhood pink sugary goodness. Making homemade ice cream was nostalgic and honestly felt really good putting ingredients in and having it taste straight out of a pint. I’ve seen recipes that call for egg, some that require you to cool the egg mixture on medium heat, and some with no egg at all. But for this recipe, we went the egg route.

Disclaimer: The use of unpasteurized raw eggs increases the risk of food borne illnesses like Salmonella. Please use pasteurized eggs for any recipes where you are going to be using raw eggs! 

Strawberry Ice Cream

  1. Place your KitchenAid ice cream mixer in the freezer for at least 12 hours to fully freeze. Once you’re ready to use the mixing bowl, you’ll want to be ready to pour in your ice cream immediately as it will start thawing immediately. If you are looking to buy on, you can find the one we used: here
  2. Wash then dry the strawberries. Slice them and set them aside in a small bowl.
  3. Pour in the lemon juice and mix the strawberries until they are evenly coated in the juice. Do the same with the sugar.
  4. Cover and place in the fridge for at least an hour.
  5. Whisk eggs for 1-2 minutes until light and fluffy, whisk in the sugar until fully incorporated, then the cream and milk.
  6. When the strawberries are ready, use an immersion blender to puree, then add to the ice cream base.
  7. Churn the ice cream for 20-30 minutes then move the ice cream (it will be soft) into an airtight container and allow it to freeze for a couple of hours.

Strawberry Ice Cream

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  1. Avatar Marcia Elaine Blouin 6 years ago

    Caloric count please? Wonderful taste!

  2. Are the eggs really raw in this recipe?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 6 years ago

      Yes they are. If you are nervous about using raw eggs you can see if you can find pasteurized eggs.

      Alternatively you can create a custard out of the eggs/sugar/milk/cream it’ll need to cool properly so you can expect to add another hour to this recipe. At step 5 as you mix all the ingredients together place them over a low heat and stir constantly until the mixture is thick and reaches at least 160˚F (this will ensure it kills off any scary bacterias like Salmonella!) You’ll want to make sure you can quickly cool the pot so it doesn’t continue to cook as you take it off the heat, I like to fill my sink with ice and water and then just dunk the pot in – being sure not to get any water into the custard! When it’s cool enough to touch, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour. Then proceed to step 6 ^-^

  3. Avatar nick Cee 5 years ago

    Pour in the lemon juice and mix the strawberries until they are evenly coated in the juice. Do the same with the sugar.

    what does “Do the same with the sugar” mean? Mix the sugar with 1 tsp of lemon juice? Recipe only calls for 1 tsp lemon juice so do I use 1/2 on strawberries and 1/2 with sugar? Mix sugar with the strawberries?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 5 years ago

      Hi Nick – Sorry for any confusion. I mean to coat the strawberries so there is a light layer of lemon juice on it for the sugar to stick to. I like to add the strawberries into a bowl, pour in the lemon juice, then just swirl the bowl around with one hand to get the lemon juice to coat the strawberries. Then lightly sprinkle the sugar over all the strawberries and swirl the bowl around again to make sure it’s all evenly distributed.

      If you mix the sugar and lemon juice first, it might get too thick and not stick to the strawberries.

  4. So it is safe to eat even with the eggs being raw?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 5 years ago

      Yes, pasteurized eggs are safe to eat raw!

  5. Avatar Debbie McClenny 4 years ago

    I made this strawberry just as directed – LOVED IT. But if I want to make plain vanilla or vanilla bean do I just stop at the base?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 4 years ago

      Happy you loved it! If you want to make vanilla, just add 2-3 teaspoons of vanilla extract into step 5: Whisk eggs for 1-2 minutes until light and fluffy, whisk in the sugar until fully incorporated, then the cream, milk and the vanilla.

      If you have vanilla bean you can cut back and use 1-2 teaspoons of extract and scrape out the inside of a vanilla bean. Typically 1 vanilla bean = 1 tbsp vanilla extract.

  6. Avatar Helen 4 years ago

    Just checking please, do you use the yolk and white or just the yolk? Thank you.

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 4 years ago

      You want to use the whole egg 🙂

  7. Avatar Sheyenne 4 years ago

    I just made this exactly as the recipe called for and it’s delicious!!!

  8. Avatar Maria 4 years ago

    Delicious recipe!!! My family loves it.

  9. Avatar Karen 3 years ago

    OMG!!!! First time I have ever made ice cream. I plumbed for the strawberry ice cream and it came out perfect with this recipe. I am pretty hopeless at desserts, so this is a perfect “Go To”. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Now excited to experiment with other fruits.

  10. Avatar Josephine Castro 3 years ago

    Can you use lactaid mink?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 3 years ago

      Yes! Lactaid milk just includes lactase which breaks down lactose (this is what helps lactose-intolerant people since they can’t digest it on thier own). The rest of the makeup is the same as regular milk and so you can bake or make ice cream the same!

  11. Avatar kate abercrombie 3 years ago

    would it work using frozen strawberries? or any frozen berry – thinking raspberries too

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 3 years ago

      Yes it would work with any frozen berries!

  12. Avatar Donna 3 years ago

    will same receipe work with fresh peaches?

  13. Avatar Donna 2 years ago

    Do you thaw the frozen strawberries and then slice or put frozen berries in food Processor to chop?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 12 months ago

      I would let them thaw, my food processor can’t always handle something thick and frozen like strawberries but if you had something like frozen raspberries that would be fine.

  14. Avatar Maia Garcia 2 years ago

    You can pasteurize the eggs yourself. I’ve done it. Google how to do it. No problem

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