Homemade Glazed Donut Holes




20 min


20 min


  • 1 1/2 cups ‏confectioners' sugar
  • 3 tablespoon ‏whole milk
  • 2 teaspoons ‏vanilla extract
  • 2 cups ‏frying oil (vegetable or olive)
  • 1 cup ‏whole milk
  • 1 ‏egg
  • 2 cups ‏all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons ‏sugar
  • 4 1/2 teaspoons ‏baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ‏salt
  • 1/4 cup ‏butter (melted)

So it was National Donut Day on Friday (the first Friday of June) but because I was completely unaware of this national holiday last Monday, this post had to come after the fact. None the less this is a simple recipe you can make any time, with ingredients you can typically find in your pantry and fridge.

There’s something truly satisfying about being able to make the majority of baked items with the base of flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, adjusting the levels of each and making a completely different outcome. Bake it. Cook it. Fry it. The possibilities are endless and you just need to keep a few items around, and the world is yours.

  1. To make your glaze, sift the confectioners’ sugar, then add the 3 tablespoons of milk, and vanilla extract. You’ll want a thick consistency to dip your donut holes into. Not too thick that it doesn’t spread and drip off a little, but not too thin that it just runs straight down the sides. You can always add a little more milk to thin it out. 
  2. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the 1 cup of milk and the egg.
  3. In a larger mixing bowl (I used a standing mixer) add the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar and mix.
  4. Combine the wet mix (milk & egg) into the dry (larger mixing bowl). Then add the melted butter and mix thoroughly until you have a soft dough
  5. Heat your oil into a pot that allows the oil to sit 1-2 in from the bottom of the pan (If you have a cooking thermometer, heat the oil to 350˚. If not, leave your oil on medium to low heat. If the oil is too hot, you’ll burn the outer shell of the donut hole without cooking the center.)
  6. Lay out a cookie sheet and double layer the top with paper towels. Use this to place your cooked donut holes onto when you remove from the oil. Lay out a cooling rack with a metal sheet underneath – to cool the frosted donut holes.Frying Donut Holes
  7. Using a cookie scoop, drop a ball one at a time (5-6 balls per batch) into the hot oil, flipping each ball over every minute until a dark golden brown. (Test your first ball or two by taking them out when you think they’re ready and cutting them in half, if there is any uncooked dough, bring the heat down to increase the cook time. You can throw these halved donut holes back into the frying oil to complete and enjoy these as tester donuts when you’re done.)
  8. After you have cooked all of your donut holes, transfer the cooling holes onto a cooling rack and let sit until completely cooled.
  9. Drop each donut hole into the glaze mix, coating each ball completely. Transfer back onto the cooling rack and allow at least and hour for the icing to dry completely.

Homeade Glazed Donut Holes

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  1. Avatar Brittany 9 years ago

    What is the butter for? It doesn’t say when to use it…

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 9 years ago

      Woops! It comes in right after the wet mixture, I should have been more specific – it’s been updated on the recipe now 🙂

  2. Im going to try the doughnut recipe now, They look so yummy. Taking to moms tomarrow, I just know my girls are going to love them. Thanks!!! gg

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 8 years ago

      I love it! I hope your girls enjoy them!

  3. Avatar Jayden Smith 8 years ago

    Can we use baking soda instead of baking powder

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 8 years ago

      Short answer: yes, but you’ll need any acid to balance things.

      Long answer: baking soda is just sodium bicarbonate and so it requires an acid to react so you get rise and turn into the baked goods you love. Without the acidic component you would have flat sad dense donuts. Often times you can add lemon juice, cream of tartar, buttermilk, all kinds of acidic ingredients, I’d recommend looking at what you have and then looking it up online to see what the substitution ratio should be. Baking powder is just baking soda, cream of tartar and starch, but baking soda is much stronger so again, look up the ratio.

      Tldr: yes it’s possible, but you’re better off getting a box of baking soda 🙂 I’m sure you’ll find more use for it later!

  4. Avatar Brayden Medina 8 years ago

    How do you get the dough into balls before you drop them into the oil?

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 8 years ago

      I actually like to use a cookie scoop like this one for these and all my cookies. Keeps your hands clean and you can scoop all your cookies pretty quickly and uniformly!

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 8 years ago

      Sorry, I haven’t tried them baked yet but I would imagine you would need to get a special tin because the dough is wet.

  5. Avatar Alley 8 years ago

    I have made these Dougnuts and they are amazing

  6. Avatar Kassandra McDonald 8 years ago

    How do you recommend we reheat these. .

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 7 years ago

      Honestly, these are best eaten fresh! I don’t know if I would recommend reheating them =/

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 8 years ago

      The same as regular donuts, they’ll start getting stale after a couple of days. Eating them fresh after they’ve cooled is the best!

  7. I pop 2 or 3 day old donut holes in the microwave for about 10-12 seconds and they are just like they came out of the oven

  8. Avatar Shannon Sidle 5 years ago

    I need the glaze stuff for the donuts now and I have looked every where online and I can not find the glaze. So if somebody just send me the glaze stuff I will be happy with that.
    Thank you.

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 5 years ago

      Hi Shannon – The glaze is super easy to make! Step 1 of the recipe covers it here: To make your glaze, sift the confectioners’ sugar, then add the 3 tablespoons of milk, and vanilla extract. You’ll want a thick consistency to dip your donut holes into. Not too thick that it doesn’t spread and drip off a little, but not too thin that it just runs straight down the sides. You can always add a little more milk to thin it out. 

  9. Pretty great, the only little hang up was dough was sticking to scoop, so I sprayed it with cooking spray, not perfectly round, but delicious.

  10. Delicious! I made them with dairy-free butter substitute and gluten-free flour and no one could tell the difference. I made them with a lemon-vanilla glaze and they were delightful. Much easier to make than I would have thought. Thank you!

  11. Avatar Gloria Davis 2 years ago

    I made these… amazing. Except maybe due to adding extra vanilla, sugar and salt __—- and perhaps. I live in the third floor. Another half cup of flour.. perfect!!! And I don’t make the sugar glaze knowing my hubby wouldn’t have any until after work. So a sugar coating did great!!!

  12. Avatar Crystal Netherton 2 years ago

    My grandkids loved them. Thank you very much for sharing.

  13. Avatar Angela Gebhard 1 year ago

    I got a little confused on the directions. It said that the oil should sit 1-2 in. Does that mean 1-2 inches?

    Great recipe tho! Very tasty w different toppings 🙂

    • Avatar forevernomday Author 12 months ago

      Yep – one to two inches so the donuts have enough space to fry.

  14. Avatar John G 12 months ago

    4 1/2 Teaspoons baking powder is definitely a typo. I would taste like metal.

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