Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Jar

Chocolate Chip Cookies in a Jar


2 dozen cookies


10 min

Cookie Jar

  • ‏1 quart sized jar
  • 260g (1 1/2 cups) ‏all purpose flour
  • 6 grams (3/4 teaspoon) ‏baking soda
  • 2 grams (1/4 teaspoon) ‏salt
  • 170 g (1 cup) ‏guittard chocolate chips
  • 140 g (3/4 cup packed ) ‏brown sugar
  • 115 g (1/2 cup) ‏white sugar

It’s Christmas time!! Well not yet, but it’s officially post-Thanksgiving which means it’s acceptable to listen to all day Christmas music radio stations, go searching for the perfect Christmas tree, and of course, all things sugar and spice!

Every year my company puts together gift baskets around the holidays and raffles them off to raise money for charity. This year my team decided on the theme of “by the fire” so think big cozy blankets, mugs filled with cocoa, and of course, warm cookies for Santa! Probably the best thing about growing up and realizing there is no Santa is that you can keep all the cookies for yourself. Considering warm cookies are best when they’re, well… warm, it’s probably best to put something that can keep into the basket. Over the years I’ve tried to make interesting takes on everyday recipes, but sometimes it’s nice to just bake a solid chocolate chip cookie. I’ve seen the cookie in a jar concept around on Pinterest and in stores for the holiday and figured it’d be perfect for not only our gift basket but gifts in general. I mean let’s be real, if people want to gift me food, I’m happy to take it. The trick is to make sure that the items in your jar aren’t perishable, and that you don’t require whoever is receiving the jar to have too many special items. This means, make sure that all they need are the essentials: butter, eggs, water, milk, etc. The worst part about making a recipe is realizing you have all but one thing, only to have to go out to the grocery store for a single item and feeling like you’re applying far too much effort. Why take the fun out of baking when you can gift someone the ease of not having to measure anything out or have to worry about all the cleanup of each measuring tool later. Just dump, mix, bake, and nom!

  1. In a small bowl measure out your flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix thoroughly and using a funnel if you have one, slowly pour the dry mixture into the jar. I like to use the funnel to make sure that flour doesn’t puff up all along the side of the jar walls – I like a nice contrasting separation of each ingredient in my jars. 
  2. Add the remaining ingredients one by one, packing down each layer as you go. The order I like to do it from bottom to top is flour, chocolate chips, brown sugar, and white sugar, but you can do it however you like. Other ideas: by gradient, contrasting each layer, maybe if you have a themed jar, by alternating the layers based on the color of your theme. 
  3. That’s it! Well, you’ll want to write a little tag or note to attach that has the baking instructions. I plan to stock up in the $1 bins at Target and set myself up for the rest of the year but Michaels has good ones too if you don’t plan to cut and make your own.

On the Tag: 

makes 2 dozen cookies

  • Preheat oven to 375˚
  • In a small bowl beat, 3/4 cup softened butter, 1 large egg and 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • In another bowl mix cookie jar mix until even, pour in the wet bowl and mix until you don’t have clumps!
  • Drop by tablespoon onto a baking sheet
  • Bake for 9-11 minutes or until golden brown
  • Wire rack to cool

Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Jar

Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Jar



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  1. Avatar KIOK GRUTTER 8 years ago

    wonderful X-mas gift, I love it!! Thank you.
    It would be helpful your instructions write on the regular instruction way so I can see better. Thanks again and happy holidays!!

  2. Avatar Jessica H 8 years ago

    Perfect, such an easy gift I made this in bulk for everyone this year as I just got into baking! I used a quart size jar I found at Target and even found some similar tags.

  3. Avatar Ginger Unruh 2 years ago

    I searched & searched & finally found just what I was looking for here! I’m making about 12 jars for Christmas gifts this year. I love your hand written tagging! I plan on doing that also. Thanks so much for sharing & Merry Christmas!

  4. Avatar Nina Wilson 11 months ago

    I am going to make several of these for myself at home. Would be a lot better to this than buy bags of cookies mixes. In my warped little mind is a bit of a time savor. Can’t wait to do this!

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